Sunday, July 19, 2009


Some of you might remember a few months back I asked you to pray with me for little Harry, the young boy with the brain tumour.

Well Harry has had a hard road these last few months, and was sent home from hospital to be with his family a while back, because they were told there was nothing that could be done. They have been caring for him ever since, and keeping him in prayer.

On Friday Harry slipped into a coma, and this morning at about 5AM local time (GMT+2) he passed away. This was not unexpected, but has still been a huge shock to everyone.

Thank you to everyone who has prayed for him, and I would ask if you could say a pray for his family at this difficult time. Especially his parents, who have been hit quite hard by this.

1 comment:

  1. There is no greater tragedy in life than the seemingly senseless suffering of a child. The only comfort is the knowing that he's playing at the feet of God now.

    Prayers for his family and loved ones, that they my find grace and comfort.


Say Hoo Ha Ha!