Saturday, February 6, 2010

Study Prep

The Church where I worship is going to be running a course during Lent this year. As a small group leader I got my handbook a while ago, and it looks like some good stuff.

It also looks like some pretty heavy stuff.

So right now I'm doing one of my favourite things. Spending a quite weekend with the Bible and some study material, preparing notes for us to use. Have I mentioned before how much I love making study notes. (For the new readers, that is not sarcasm. I actually do. I'm such a nerd like that.)

Of course copious amounts of coffee might also be involved.

How does it get any better than this?


  1. Oh YAY! I love Bible course studies!

    Is it me or do you know you are going to have a great day when you start it by having your coffee just the right color and in one of your favorite mugs? *slurp*


Say Hoo Ha Ha!