Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I hate it when she’s right

3288740726_7a2e897ea4 “One day, there's going to be a lot of people kept outside the gates of heaven... And those inside of the gates will be the reason for it. I think most of the crying that will take place from the believers on that day will be out of shame.” 
I “borrowed” this quote from my writing buddy StillDormant.  <’)))><
I had planned a detailed post about it, but now that I have posted it it seems to speak for itself.


  1. I'm almost finished reading Radical by David Platt and I feel more convinced than ever that my whole Christian walk has been for myself - what comforts me, what makes me feel good, what blesses me. There's so much to lose when you live a lifestyle like that. :(

  2. I wholeheartedly agree with what Kristy K said. And I wholeheartedly DISagree with the post.

    I'm sorry, Favorite Fish. I don't go looking for arguments. But this is one of those notions that really bothers me. No one will stand before the judgment seat of God, point toward the Christians, and cry "their fault." We'd like to think that our evangelistic efforts save people. Not so. God is the one to save (John 6:44,65). We simply have the privilege of sharing the joy and heavenly reward when we've been faithful to share the Gospel, if by no other method than living it out in love of God and neighbor.

    What we should sorrow for is all the future-Christians who are presently in agony because no one has yet told them they will find peace in Jesus. I wonder how many eleventh-hour salvations are of people whom God willed to save sooner, but those Christians who had opportunity to share Jesus failed to heed the Spirit's prompting until someone lies on a deathbed. How much suffering might be avoided—how much more praise might God have received!—if the disciples of Jesus made the necessary sacrifices to learn the Master's ways, follow in His footsteps, and then made the time to disciple someone else? How many more people might more quickly come to Jesus if Christians did no more than shine the Light of Jesus, that people might see their good works and give glory to God?

    I am quite willing to be shown the truth from Scripture which says anyone can blame their final condemnation on apathetic Christians.

  3. Ezekiel 33:7-8 springs to mind:

    I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me. When I say to the wicked, ‘You wicked person, you will surely die,’ and you do not speak out to dissuade them from their ways, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood

    I am not sure anyone will blame me, but I will sure be kicking myself for every person I failed by making faith less attractive to them by my actions, or each person who I was too afraid to love more.

  4. Okay. I whole-heartedly stand corrected--in part.

    I agree with your application of the Ezekiel passage, both for warning to the one without Christ, for repentance unto salvation, and for the correction of one who claims Christ but persists in flagrant & willful immorality (whether according to Matthew 18:15-17 or more along the lines of Galatians 6:1-2).

    Yes, we are held accountable for our failures, and sorrow for them, in tlhis life. I believe there may also be a measure of loss of heavenly treasure, when the King rewards His servants in accordance with how they used the earthly talents entrusted to them. But I cannot believe there is any sorrow for His children in the Lord's presence, nor do I believe the Judge will allow the condemned to lay blame for their fate on us, regardless of our failures.

    Thank you for pointing out this familiar passage, Favorite Fish. It clearly states our accountabiliy. (And I don't hate it that you're right. ( :)


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