Saturday, November 27, 2010

The End is nigh (again)

So, it has again been a while since I blogged here.  I have been a little busy over at my other page talking about my current NaNoWriMo project.  Well, actually I have been busy writing, so I have been neglecting the blog as well.  

But soon (very soon) I will be finished, there will be fireworks, and I can relax and do some catch up.

At the moment I am at about 47,000 words in my novel, and it is just getting warmed up.  Which is not to say I am not looking forward to finishing it, I just don't think it is going to be finished by the time I reach 50,000.  Which will be a first for me.  
I am wondering about finishing it tonight, so I can keep writing with no pressure for three days.  But I suspect I will actually just finish it tomorrow.

It has turned into an interesting theological exercise, with lots of biblical themes:  Purpose, faithfulness, prayer, cross-dressing midgets.  Okay, I still haven't made the cross-dressing midget fit smoothly into my novel, but there is always the re-writing process I suppose.

So I will see you all soon, and catch up on what has been happening in your lives.  Until then, I guess I will just continue to stalk you on twitter.


  1. I'm at 44,132 and know that 50,000 will NOT be enough words to write this story.. but I will, I Will, I WILL hit 50,000, hopefully before deadline.. then continue writing at a bit less frantic pace. Who knows.. with the pressure off maybe the words will even flow more quickly than before...

    Keep on, keep on, we're almost there..

  2. One of my characters decided to read Psalm 139 the other day, because I didn't know what else to do with him.

    (Yes, it was actually relevant to the plot.)

    Next time I hit a block, I might try Psalm 119.



Say Hoo Ha Ha!