Less than a month ago, I started writing NaNoWriMo with the insane idea of writing 50,000 words in 30 days.
It was insane.
It was impossible.
It was fun!
Of course, because I am never one to do things by half measures, I also decided to sign-up again as a Municipal Liaison. Which means that I was responsible for the Port Elizabeth region. Well, let me just say that that has been a blast.
Writing with some of the most awesome people I ever met, these guys have done me proud at every turn.
And what happened?
Does that answer your question?
I hit 50,000 words today, but my novel is nowhere near finished. I am planning to try and fit in about another 2000 – 3000 words before Tuesday night. As always, it has been a real learning experience.
So thank you to my loyal reader(s?) for following me on this journey, and normal blogging will resume shortly, once I figure out what normal means.
Excellent work!