Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Are you there? Am I here?

I seem to be having a bit of a problem getting in to my BlogSpot account today.  My search engine keeps throwing me out of this site, and randomly throws me out of other peoples.  I don’t know if it is a problem with my settings, or with Blogger.  I’ll just have to wait and see if it comes right or not.

Am I the only one struggling with this?  I know it happened a few months ago, and I couldn’t get into my blog, or a friends because of something to do with the followers widget.  I suppose if that is the case I can blame this all on you, my followers.

So normal blogging will resume shortly, once I can actually blog.  This is also my test of sending a blog post from my pc to the site directly, so you may never even see this. :-)


  1. Okay, I removed my follower widget and it seems fine now.

    I'll try put it back later, and see what happens.


  2. Hello? Can you hear me in the back of the room?

    You are "here" to me......I see I "there" to you? LOL

    Hope you come back soon.....just starting to pop in your world and find you very inspiring.

  3. Thanks for your comment on my blog! I *love* your About Me section :) I'll definitely be back!


Say Hoo Ha Ha!