Monday, March 5, 2012

The Christian Zombie Killers Handbook

_240_360_Book_499_coverBen Forman was just an ordinary guy, a young professional starting his first job and falling in love with his girlfriend. Living in the outskirts of a southern city, he didn’t think the zombie activity so common in the major cities would hit so close to home. But it was becoming clear that the mysterious infection reanimating the deceased was a growing epidemic across the country. The question was, would he stay alive or become the undead?

I was a little unsure of what this book would be, and it seems like the book was equally confused.  The premise is sound, and promising – Our sinful nature is like an undead Zombie which will devour us if we don’t learn to kill it. 

It is written as a parallel text; with each chapter of the fictional story being followed by a chapter of theology from the author about our sinful nature.  The writing style was bad, but I will deal with that elsewhere.

The fictional account of the Zombie hunting is interspersed with theology that is obviously supposed to explain what is going on in the fiction.  The link is tenuous on occasion, and downright confusing at times.  There is a section where the fiction talks about the creation of the ZTF (Zombie Task Force) and how they are committed to working in teams and eradicating the last trace of infection.  This is fine and well, especially where he says in the theology section how we are all “part of the ZTF”.  But I don’t know what that means when he goes on to tell us how if one of the ZTF agents is bitten, his partner’s job is to shoot him in the head before he can turn into a zombie.  I think we might be taking Christian Accountability Partners a little too seriously here?

The theology was bland, and I found myself wanting to skip it to get to the action.  Unfortunately there was very little of that either.

It tried to be too many things, and ended up doing neither particularly well.

Like a Zomie, it was neither truly alive, nor truly dead  -  It just stank.

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