As you may have gathered by now, I consider myself something of a writer. I maintain a separate blog for my writing persona, David Seven.
In fact, one of the regular series on this blog, and the other is one called Faith and Writing, wherein I explore the connection between my faith, and my writing. For a more complete explanation of why I consider my faith to be tied-up with my writing, might I suggest this post.
Well, about a year ago I was attending a quite day, and doing some meditation on Psalm 45, when I came across verse 1.
My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.
And that verse kind of stopped me. Am I being a ready writer? I know in the context it is referring to reciting verses of praise, but it got me thinking about how I use my pen.
Am I a ready writer? Am I ready to use my pen to praise my King?
So I decided to register a new blog, called Ready Writer. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with it yet, but I decided to register it anyway.
Except that I couldn’t. The name was already taken. (By someone who isn’t even using it!!) Then, while fiddling with other names, I found that Ready Writers was not taken yet. So I registered that as a blog.
And then I realised why I was supposed to set up a different blog; because it wasn’t going to be just mine. I see it as a blog of some sort with many ready writers using their pens to glorify their King.
But I don’t know exactly how it is going to work.
Am I going to use it like a Christian writing journal and ask for submissions?
Am I going to do (daily/weekly) writing prompts and encourage writers to post on the blog?
Am I going to do a combination of both?
Enquiring minds want to know.
What do you think? Drop me a line, and tell me how you think I should do this thing.
Thank you.
Oh, yes. The blog is on WordPress, and can be found here.