Friday, March 20, 2009

Fellowship of the Traveling Smarty Pants

One of the blogs that I have been following for a while is Fellowship of the Traveling Smarty Pants. This is a pretty awesome site for a number of reasons:

  1. They have an Awesome Cat;

  2. The contributors are so weird and sarcastic they make me look orthodox;

  3. They have names like Nick the Geek and Katdish;

  4. There is a lot of love and support on the site;

  5. They were foolish brave enough to invite me to be a contributor.

That's right. Sharkbait is now swimming with the BIG fishes.

So come over and see the wide ocean I sometimes swim in when the Reef gets to small. It's a scary place out there, but the people you meet are AWESOME.


  1. Welcome to the smartypants fellowship!

    Have you ever seen "The Incredible Mr. Limpet" starring Don Knotts? Love that movie! (nice segue, huh?)

  2. Segue? Did I miss something?

    A movie about a man who thinks he's a fish? Hmm. Not sure I could really relate. :-)

  3. Dude, congrats! That is a pretty funny looking blog, I might have to visit often!

  4. Sigh!

    It's always so cool when you can bring some of your friends together. Kind of like a blind date, but without the akward silences and restraining orders.


  5. Looks like an entertaining blog - I recently found "Stuff Christians Like" and it's been a portal to all of these additional fun-loving-type Christian blogs that I didn't even know existed. My own blog is more the Blogus Profundis Christian-type blog, and also striving for interfaith connectivity, so to speak.... Heck, somebody has to do the heavy lifting...

  6. Finally, someone to clean up that blog's act!

  7. Congratulations Sharkbait!

    YOU are this week's winner on SIlly Saturday Photo Caption Contest at Matter Of Fact!

    Please come make your acceptance speech and email me with your mailing address so I can mail you your silly award!


  8. Hi. Thanks for checking out my blog and leaving a comment.

    You have a fun blog. Love the Nemo references.


Say Hoo Ha Ha!