Saturday, March 20, 2010

Biblios Hokku - Acts

I am back to posting about my Biblios Hokku, and I have actually finished the whole Bible now.  That's right, all 66 books in Haiku.

Today we look at Acts.  I don't think I need to say much about this book.  It follows on from the Gospels, most particularly from Luke's Gospel, and tells the story of how the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, and empowered them to build a church.

A church arises
Soaked in the Word and Spirit
Power from on high.

To read the whole Bible in Haiku, go here.  Otherwise stick around, and we'll go through the rest of the books one by one.


  1. That's really cool! I think it's perfect :)

  2. Living waters of the Spirit,
    washed in the water of the Word,

    Soaked ... how apt!


Say Hoo Ha Ha!