Monday, May 5, 2014

What Would Jesus Do?

Do you remember those WWJD bracelets?  They were supposed to remind us to always ask ourselves “What Would Jesus Do?” in any situation.


Come on, you know you had one.

Well, I always think this is a bit of a difficult question.  Firstly, because we often have no idea what he would do.  Some of the things that Jesus would do would surprise us.


Secondly, because…wwjd2

Being able to answer the question of “What Would Jesus Do?” requires us to have a very clear idea of what Jesus did do, and a very clear understanding of who Jesus is.

I think a better question would be “What Would Jesus Say?”

Because we might not be able to be sure we can do the right thing… but if we are truly seeking to know who Jesus is, I think we can guess what he would say about what we are doing.

Would he approve?  Would he support us?  Or would he raise his eyebrow and give us a questioning look?

I think we probably know.

So maybe the question is not What Would Jesus Do? but What Would Jesus Want Us To Do?

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Jesus would want us to love God and our neighbors as ourselves…in every situation.

    But since we won't do that…He wants us to know that He loves us and forgives us.


Say Hoo Ha Ha!